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Dude, I finished something on the to do list!

Shadow Ivy's section in Fanart is compeated and uploaded! Go look!

Latest ep capped: 81
Latest ep back-capped: 6
Latest first series ep caps received: 8
Pages with [new] content waiting to be done:

     Honda-10, 11
     Malik- 9, 10, 11, 12
     Jounouchi - 20, 21
     Yuugi - Back cap 3, 20, 21, 22, 23 
     Group- DK-4, BC 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
     Mai: 4, 5
     Mokuba: 7
     Pegasus: 3
First Series: Eps 4-8
Fanfic: 'Is this Normal' by Lizeth, 'Forgotten Faiths' by x20Deepx, 'Mind and Conscience' by Kiwi Wolf to be added to 'Other'
FAQ: Continuing, Character decks, VA info
Winamp Skins
Buying: Where to find
Major Duelest Quiz
Manga: continuing update
Character profiles: Anzu, Kaiba, Mokuba, Mai, Pegasus, Otogi, Isis, Malik, Rishid
Music & CD info - Duel I & Duel II

Adjustment again + new stuff

Going to be going through and adjusting the image galleries again. Seperating the caps out by season/arc, which will make back capping easier and allow me to jump ahead and cap some of the later stuff like the Noa arc and Duel Tower, and adjusting the link buttons to that they'll load faster and look better.

So far the Bakura section and the Kaiba section have been updated.

Also went and tweeked the manga gateway, took out dead sections and made the image look better.

Debating adding in ep previews in the episode guide, not sure if there'll be room or bandwith for it though, so it may be a goodies program exclusive with perodic rotation.

We also will be getting some scanations, thanks to Hiso-chan's translating skills.

New stuff:  3 new Kaiba galleries, Manga 17 and Manga 8

Latest ep capped: 81
Latest ep back-capped: 6
Latest first series ep caps received: 8
Pages with [new] content waiting to be done:

     Honda-10, 11
     Malik- 9, 10, 11, 12
     Jounouchi - 20, 21
     Yuugi - Back cap 3, 20, 21, 22, 23 
     Group- DK-4, BC 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
     Mai: 4, 5
     Mokuba: 7
     Pegasus: 3
First Series: Eps 4-8
Fanart: Shadow Ivy
Fanfic: 'Is this Normal' by Lizeth, 'Forgotten Faiths' by x20Deepx, 'Mind and Conscience' by Kiwi Wolf to be added to 'Other'
FAQ: Continuing, Character decks, VA info
Winamp Skins
Buying: Where to find
Major Duelest Quiz
Manga: continuing update
Character profiles: Anzu, Kaiba, Mokuba, Mai, Pegasus, Otogi, Isis, Malik, Rishid
Music & CD info - Duel I & Duel II

Store & Galleries update

The KnN stores are now open [whoo]  First, there's the KnN Cardshop, where you can purchess Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (no packs yet, will probally have the Amazon link in there) and then the shop displaying alot of the Yuugiou merchindice that offers. If you buy it through the link, KnN gets a percentage of what you pay, so if you're planning on getting something from, please go through the shop.

Went on a mad capping frenzy, and with Rya's help, there's now six new Bakura & Yami Bakura galleries. More will be coming soon.  Also got done 3 of Mai's back galleries, as well as Malik's 8th gallery.  Have over 200 more caps to process as well. Doing my best to get caught up. *bows*

Latest ep capped: 81
Latest ep back-capped: 6
Latest first series ep caps received: 8
Pages with [new] content waiting to be done:

     Malik- 9, 10, 11
     Jounouchi - 20, 21
     Yuugi - Back cap 3, 20, 21 
     Group- DK-4, BC 13, 14, 15
First Series: Eps 4-8
Fanart: Shadow Ivy
Fanfic: 'Is this Normal' by Lizeth, 'Forgotten Faiths' by x20Deepx to be added to 'Other
FAQ: Continuing, Character decks, VA info
Winamp Skins
Buying: Where to find
Major Duelest Quiz
Manga: continuing update
Character profiles: Anzu, Kaiba, Mokuba, Mai, Pegasus, Otogi, Isis, Malik, Rishid
Music & CD info - Duel I & Duel II
Doujinshi -- link in

Rare Fic Hunter 2nd Challange

The second challenge in The Rare Fic Hunter Challanges has been posted. Applications for judges are still being accepted.

The main gateway has been tweeked slightly and soon to be added once I finish the page properly will be the Store page. This is a partnership with where KnN will get credit for items that you buy, so if you're planning on buying anything from, please click through KnN to get there. It costs you nothing and I get a small percentage of what you spend. [Which I will use to get KnN more resouces.]

Took out the link for the Chatroom because it didn;t seem to ever work right, sorry.

New compter, fixed errors and resuming of updating.

I finaly got my new computer near a month after my old one died. *hugs computer* So updates will be resuming very soon. 

Fixed the link for the groups gallery and fixed the email for the RareFicHunter challanges. >< I appologize for not being able to do so earlier *bows low*

I will also start work on the near 50 requests that you all have sent me while my comp was down. Please have patience with me while I try and catch up with everything.

Rare Fic Hunter Challanges - Start!

The first challenge in The Rare Fic Hunter Challanges has been posted. Applications for judges are still being accepted.

Rare Fic Hunter Challanges

The Rare Fic Hunter Challanges page has been set up in antispation of the contests offical start in two days. The page explains the basic idea for the chalanges and the general rules.

Please spread the word of this ongoing contest, as the more entries and intrest these challanges attract, the better the results will be and hopefuly, the better the prizes for the next chalange will be.

Also, I will be looking for people to help with judging. If you are intrested in applying to become a judge, please email me at with the subject 'Fic Hunter Judge app' with your name, a sample of your writing, your experance with the series/how much of it you've seen/are familar with and any other information you think would be helpful.  Judges will not be allowed to enter the contest, but will receive free goodies program access and thank-you prizes for their efforts.

Rishid, Fanfic and First series

Rishid's first gallery is UP! 

Also, eps 2 & 3 in First series have been uploaded [everyone thank Nina!] and the First Series section has been linked in.

10 chapters added to First Kiss in Judy&Fran page in  Fanfic, more to come in fanfic soon.

Thinking of starting up a fanfiction contest in the near future. More on that later.

Latest ep capped: 76
Latest ep back-capped: 6
Latest first series ep caps received: 8
Pages with [new] content waiting to be done:

     Mai - Back cap 1-3
     Malik - 8
     Yuugi - Back cap 3, 20, 21 
     Group- DK-4
First Series: Eps 4-8
Fanart: Shadow Ivy
Fanfic: 'Is this Normal' by Lizeth, 'Forgotten Faiths' by x20Deepx to be added to 'Other
FAQ: Continuing, Character decks, VA info
Winamp Skins
Buying: Where to find
Major Duelest Quiz
Manga: continuing update
Character profiles: Anzu, Kaiba, Mokuba, Mai, Pegasus, Otogi, Isis, Malik, Rishid
Music & CD info - Duel I & Duel II
Doujinshi -- link in
Finaly! A REAL update!

Finalty got more caping done! 

Galleries updated: Anzu [Backcap:1], Honda [Backcap:1], Jounouchi [19, Backcap:1,2]

Latest ep capped: 76
Latest ep back-capped: 6
Pages with [new] content waiting to be done:

Galleries: Mai: Back cap 1-3; Malik - 8, Rishido - base & gallery 1, Yuugi - Back cap 3, 20, 21, Group: DK-4
Fanart - Shadow Ivy
FAQ - Continuing
Winamp Skins
Major Duelest Quizz
Manga - continuing update
Character profiles
CD info
Doujinshi -- link in
Yuugi update and comp troubles.

Added in two Yuugi redo/back cap galleries. Gonna put the back capping on hold and try and catch up with the dub again. Or I may just do random caping for a bit to get more images up and go back and redo the eps properly, I'm not sure anymore. *sighs*

My computer is dieing and I can't get a new one til mid-October.  Gonna keep working on the page and making frequent backups so hopefuly nothing'll get lost or anything *crosses fingers*  I just hope my comp can hold out... 

Will be trying to keep updated because I know I've been real bad with that this/last month.

There is a new manga out but I'm too broke to get it. ><  So people wanting to see new manga scans from the latest manga, pleeeeeeeease donate? I promise I'll scan a bunch of it when I get it [if my comp isn't dead] and donaters/people in the Goodies program will get the scans first [cause it's easier to just dump the scans in the DIR then actualy put em on the page. ^^]

Looong overdue update - Fanart

*sighs* I know, I've been horribly slow in updating. Real life is leaching away my spare time and energy.

Finaly got Torsui's section up properly in fanart so it's not just thumbnails. Will be starting on Shadow Ivy's section next.

I hopfuly will get more work done on the page soon and I appologize yet again to everyone who's been waiting a real update. I will try my best to get you all one soon. ^^

A very big thank you to Loki-chan for donating!

Earlier updates

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